Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dog Agility Blog Action Day


         Attitude can mean two very different things. You can have a good attitude or a bad in agility. I think attitude is everything. If you show up to a show with a bad attitude nobody is going to want to be near you. How can you have a good time with them or your dog when your surrounded by people with bad attitudes? When I go to a big event I try and surround myself with people that have good attitudes and positiveness outlooks. Which ever attitude you have is going to feed off of people surrounded by you. Your attitude also feeds off your dog. It boggles my mind after people are done with a run that didn't go so well. They get mad at their dog and just throw them in a crate. Have you even thought that your the one that trained your dog? Your fault or the dogs your the one that trained him/her. Sometimes I wonder if the dogs ever wanna throw people in their crates for people sending them off course :).

         I'm sure you have heard the saying "it takes more muscles to frown than to smile." So, why not be lazy and smile instead of frown :)! Also, I love it (not really) when people say this course is way too hard blah, blah. Then train it :) Plain and simple :). I think in agility the more positive you are the more success you will have. There is a quote that says "Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right." -Henry Ford. If you keep telling yourself in life or agility that you can't then by golly you can't. How do you think you are going to succeed with a bad attitude like that? TELL YOURSELF THAT YOU CAN!!!!!

   The next time you have a bad run think about the positive stuff and less of the negatives.You can even think of the negatives as something you need to work on and take that with you to your next training session!

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