Monday, May 14, 2012

Life's A Beach!

We spent our weekend at the beach. Saturday was just Chris and I then Sunday my whole family and a friend of mine came down. It was perfect beach weather and the warm water just made it a perfect day(s). It still hasn't sunk in that I live near the beach and can go whenever I want! Even tho I have lived here for about 9 months now.  I have always wanted to live near the beach ever since I was a little girl. We used to go to Florida ALL the time when I lived in Ohio, either for Disney Land or the beach. Houston's beach is nothing like Florida's beach but its a beach!!! My dogs LOVE the beach! They can always smell the salty air and they paw at their crate and wine when they see the beach. The lifeguards are pretty cool about the dogs being off leash and the people always admire the dogs. Even met someone my age that does agility and lives around me! She even trained with one of my friends! It's a very very small world this world.

On Sunday we got to see a foster that we homed about 3 months ago, Shasta! She was a cute 7 week old white puppy that was full of energy and I fell in love and I really really wanted to keep her ;). When we got to the house or should I say mansion they get her house and she came sprinting up to the car wagging her tail as fast as she could! When we got out of the car she jumped all over us and kissed us, but she was really excited when she got to see Legit! She was alllll over him the whole time we were there. I think she remembered him :).  This is why I love fostering. To see puppies/dogs that we got from the shelter that didn't have a chance, in a home where people adore her, it's so rewarding. Shes is one lucky lucky girl.
 I'm getting a gym memberships this week! I'm excited to get back into shape like I was in High School! It really hit me how out of shape I was when we were doing the 8 min practice at tryouts. I was sweating and I had it sit on the floor for a few times and take a few deep breaths(ok, maybe a lot..)! Even tho I am skinny it will feel good to get some tone and muscles back, especially in my legs ;). Maybe just maybe next year at tryouts for the 8 min I will not be heaving for air ;). So, that will be my goal, to get in shape a few months before then! Goals are good to have and dreams are too! For now here are some pictures cause I am obsessed with pictures if you couldn't all ready tell ;). ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. hey Kelsey!
    cool foster story, glad you're blogging again
