18 hours of driving later we made it to Lexington,VA!!! We went from OKC to Nashville which was 10hrs then left Nashville at 9am. We stoped at the VA welcome center to left the dogs play some Fris and got into Lexington at 5. We already went to the show site and it looks awesome!! Beside the mud and how far you have to walk to the other building its really nice! Legit was such a good puppy on the trip. Didn't pee in the car and slept a lot of the way. He also learned how to roll over and wave on this trip. When we got to the hotel he was CRAZY!! So we worked on his cone game (yes, I brought a huge cone haha).
If it isnt raining tomorrow Megan, Gabrielle Blackburn, her mom, Shout! and Legit are going hiking and to a waterfall. VER FUN!! It is so beautiful here!! Differently a change from Oklahoma ahaha. After we go to the waterfall we are going to check in and run Time 2 Beat at like one. Well check in is at 1 and time to beat is from 2 to 5 haha. Im already SO nervous. I dont do well AT ALL under pressure :(. Ace gets to run with the big boys at 26. He may just be the smallest dog jumping 26 at 19in. We are SO excited :). I couldnt ask for a better agility partner.
Good Luck!!! Have fun!