Thursday, August 16, 2012

HOME...but not for long.

   We got home Monday at 12am from our 20 day trip around the country. 2,500 miles the trip was. I still sit back and think how in the world I did that..alone.  So very glad I did as we had the best time with new and old friends. I am very thankful I have friends that let me stay at there house through out my journey.

 For the first time ever I ran both dogs at the same show. Now, granted not ever on the same course but it was still a challenge for me. They are 110% different on course and nothing is alike. Well only that they both jump 26in. For the first time in 4 years I ran two of my dogs at the same show. It was a good challenge for me and something I needed. Both boys did suffer but over all it was a great experience for me. Poor Ace got rear verbals that were Legit's verbals and poor Legit tried to get handled like Ace.

  I am really really happy how Ace has been running the past two regionals. He is like fine wine, he just gets better with age. I have never felt this connected to him..ever. Being out there with him is like a dance, a dance that we are dancing as one..a whole. That feeling is the reason I do agility. When you get a bond and a dance like that you feel like you can take on the world. That little red dog is so special to me, on and off the course. My heart just melts after a run when he wags his tail so hard that his whole body wiggles. He looks up at me with this huge smile on his face, jumping up on me saying "I did it! I did it!". I just can't help but pick him up in my arms and tell him "Yes Racer, you did it".

 Legit was running well like a baby dog! All in all he had some brilliant moments and I am happy with him. If only I could learn how to handle him. I know him like the tip of my pinky and not the back of my hand. One day we will get there! We have so much to learn about each other but I did learn a lot about him these last few shows. His next show is just a one day show at the end of August and on turf!! How I will ever go back to dirt I will never know...

 I am back home but not for long. We leave tomorrow night for Dallas! We are going to six flags and the water park. We are staying with some good friends which will turn into a good time ;). Chris and I's first date was at six fact it was the first time we ever hangout just the two of us.that was over 2 years ago...phew. I didn't know it back then but he didn't like roller coasters and he knew I really wanted to go so he couldn't tell me no and still cant to this day ;).

A few people asked me what I do to keep my dogs in shape. They asked because after a lot of play their dogs would have their tongues hanging out of their mouth and my guy's were still in their mouth. I have to say that Legit is much more conditioned than Ace. Legit can go and go and go and still not be panting where Ace has a harder time. My guys swim a lot..a mean a lot a lot. Like 3+ hours a day a lot. I can tell they are a little out of shape and they haven't been swimming in 20 days. But, its back to swimming and hiking :).

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